Join a Masorti community for EcoShabbat

By Masorti Judaism 29th Oct 2021

Visit our Jewish Learning page for writing and videos about the environment. All our communities will be marking EcoShabbat during their services, click here to find your nearest one.

Some of our communities are also holding special events and talks to mark EcoShabbat:

Kol Nefesh Masorti

Carbon Capture & Storage
A Green Team/ EcoShabbat event, Monday 8th November, 8pm on Zoom

What is carbon capture and storage? Where is it used and how does it work? How can it contribute to achieving net zero targets? Join this session to find out and hear about the current plans for carbon capture and storage in the UK.

Miriam Gordon works as a CCUS Projects Assurance Lead at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Miriam’s background is in geology and she now brings her experience of the oil and gas industry to bear on progressing carbon capture and storage in the UK. Miriam has been a member of Kol Nefesh for many years and currently chairs the Engagement Pelach.

To join please contact [email protected]

Leeds Masorti

Join the community for a walk along the Meanwood Valley trail in the direction of a bit rally happening in the centre of town. 6 November. More details on their Facebook page.

New Essex Masorti Synagogue

Join us for a service on Saturday 6th November led by Rabbi Zahavit Shalev, an eco-friendly vegan kiddush and more. Click here to reserve your place.

New North London Synagogue

A Jewish Take on Life on Earth- begins Wednesday 10th November, 8.30pm on Zoom. What do the Torah and the Bible say about soil? To whom does the earth belong? Rabbi Wittenberg digs into familiar and less familiar verses. More details here.

Plant trees with the New North London community on Sunday 21st November in Newton Park, Harrow and Sunday 28th November in Hainault Forest. More details here.

St Albans Masorti Synagogue

Shabbat 6 November –

Service at 9.45am. Rabbi Adam will deliver a sermon with an Eco theme and the SAMS Eco team are providing a green kiddush, including vegan kosher Kiddush wine.

Motzei Shabbat – 6.00pm. Join us at the home of SAMS community members for a discussion led by Rabbi Adam and the Eco team. We will also make Havdallah together as a community. RSVP to [email protected] by 1pm on Friday 5th November for the address.

Click here to read an article by Rabbi Adam about EcoShabbat.

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