Reflections from Noam Summer Camp 5784

By Rachel Sklan 15th Aug 2024

From my perspective as somebody who’s been going to Noam Summer Camp for 20 years is having the privilege of watching young people go from being chanichim, to then seeing them develop as young adults and to then seeing them going to the next phase as madrichim.  It’s a magical experience!

There are so many examples of children who struggled when they first came to camp, and then we supported them slowly to become more and more integrated, and then as the years went by to this year to seeing them as first time madrichim and seeing just how magnificent they are and how much they can now help others. 

I feel the privilege of watching those stories unfold, as each person has the chance to grow as a whole person and become more independent in the world. I saw madrichim not necessarily getting it right the first time but being given the tools to improve.  Feedback well delivered was taken on board, and it was heart-warming watching people go beyond the limits of what they thought was possible for them. 

Another observation was the success of the Atid programme, that really should be award-winning.  Atid is Noam’s pastoral Torah programme for madrichim. It was originally developed by Isabel Bard, who put together key Jewish texts on issues like processing experiences of power and what does it mean to love people with their flaws, and many others. 

It was delivered this year by Sarah Beth Neville, currently studying at Maharat, and it was incredibly popular among the 150 madrichim for whom it was designed. 

As the Noam torah is brought back from camp this year and put carefully back in the safe in the office, I am inspired yet again by the magic that happens at Noam summer camp. Onwards!

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