Join streamed services with Masorti synagogues

By Masorti Judaism 21st Dec 2021

A message from Senior Masorti Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg

As once again we enter cautious days with Covid infections rising fast, the full threefold greeting feels timely: we need our physical strength, our emotional and spiritual strength, and the strength we find through each other.

With regard to the first, all I have is a prayer. May we do our sensible best to stay healthy and keep others safe. May God give strength to everyone supporting us and the wellbeing of all our society. May we appreciate them and do our utmost to make our own contribution. May everyone who needs healing be met with kindness and skill. May our health and care services be sufficiently financed, personned and valued. May God, hanoten laya’ef koach, who gives strength to the weary, give us health, energy and endurance.

As for emotional and spiritual strength, each of us has our own special path to that inner reservoir of life-giving waters which is never sealed off but frequently hard to access. For some it’s music. For others it’s yoga, baking, dog walking, birdsong, tai chi, and dare it say, even prayer. ‘What’s the cure for a sore heart?’ asks the Talmud, before answering ‘Torah, the Tree of Life.’

People sometimes ask me: ‘I’m going through tough times. My mother, father, partner, child… is ill. Where can I get the strength to look after everybody?’ Maybe it’s not the right response but I find myself asking ‘What are the things you like to do which truly sustain you week by week?’ Whatever the answer, (and no one has so far told me it’s robbing the bank) I say, ‘However great the pressure, try to maintain time for that.’

So, today, if possible, please at least sometimes keep doing what leads you on the inner journey to that place from where living waters flow back into the weary, dehydrated spirit.

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
Senior Masorti Rabbi

Streamed services

There are many ways you can still join a Masorti community if you are self-isolating or do not feel comfortable going to a synagogue. Below are details of streamed services our communities are running. Please reach out to the community directly with questions about access.

You can click here for instructions for you to be able to switch on and leave your computer running in a halachik-friendly way over Shabbat or Chag without having to engage with it to receive our streaming.

Pre and post-Shabbat services

  • New North London’s Synagogue’s Zoom Service at 2.45pm. Please join us to welcome Shabbat at our pre-Shabbat Zoom service. This week we welcome Laurie Rackind, Chief Executive of Jami, to talk about Mental Health with Rabbi Wittenberg. Click here to join our Pre-Shabbat Service online
  • St Albans Masorti Synagogue meet via Zoom each week before Shabbat begins, and do the first part of Friday evening services, Kabbalat Shabbat, together. We disperse back to analogue after Lecha Dodi to bring in Shabbat in our own homes. This week we are starting at 3.15pm to ensure that we finish before Shabbat comes in. Please email [email protected] for access information.
  • Elstree & Borehamwood Masorti Community will hold a Kabbalat Shabbat service at 3.15pm this evening. Please email [email protected] for access details.
  • New Stoke Newington Shul will be holding their regular online Havdalah tomorrow Saturday 8th January at 6pm. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.


Many of our synagogues also stream learning events to their Facebook and YouTube pages. Click here to explore our communities and their websites.

You can also find recordings of many past events in our Jewish Learning library.

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