Elul 5783 with Shema Koleinu
Date: Beginning 6th September 2023
Rosh Hashannah always comes around sooner than we expect.
This year, prepare for 5784 in a way that is meaningful for you.
Learn with our leaders across the movement and explore the themes of our High Holy Days. From the specific music and liturgy of our services to considering what it really means to ‘do’ teshuvah, choose how you’d like to connect with this new year.

Rabbi Roni Tabick and Avinu Malkeinu in the 21st Century
8pm, Wednesday 6th September, Online
Avinu Malkeinu is a cornerstone of our services, but what does it really mean to us today? Join Rabbi Roni Tabick and explore a piece of liturgy that we recite so many times over the High Holy Days, but perhaps do not always give sufficient consideration to. Click here to book your place.

Chazan Rebecca Blumenfeld and The Music of our Yamim Nora’im
7pm, Sunday 10th September, Online
What do you hear when you think about the High Holy Days? Chazan Rebecca Blumenfeld will guide us through the melodies that only come around once (ish!) a year, where our traditions have come from, and the significance of the different nusach and tunes we use throughout this time of year. Click here to book your place.

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg and Vidui (confession) & Teshuvah (repentance)
7pm, Tuesday 12th September, Online
The vidui repeats time and time again in our services, a communal confession of our sins. Join Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg to consider what it means to confess these sins, and how to make sure we turn our words into actions. Click here to book your place.

Rabbi Jeremy Gordon & Cantorial Lead David Djemal and the Avodah Service
7pm, Tuesday 19th September, Online
In Temple times, at Yom Kippur, the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies and recite the ineffable name of God. The people would prostrate themselves, blood was sprinkled. Today this ritual survives as a section of the Musaf prayer on Yom Kippur. It’s beautiful, elegiac and amazingly tuneful. Join Rabbi Jeremy and David for a tour of the liturgy and history of this section of the Yom Kippur service and also an enquiry into the contemporary value of this ancient liturgy. Click here to book your place.

Masorti-wide Selichot Service
Saturday 9th September, New London Synagogue (and streamed)
Slichot gives us a unique opportunity, the shabbat before Rosh Hashanah, to focus in on what’s to come, hear some of the liturgy and music of our HHDs for the first time and truly ground ourselves in bringing in the new year. Join our Masorti-wide service and have the chance to daven with people you don’t typically share community with. No need to book, just join us on the night.