Building our future, one word at a time.

By Masorti Judaism 13th Aug 2024

For anyone trying to understand what our children experience at Noam Summer camp, and to see what joys still lie in store, we’ve put together this handy glossary of terms. Behind the words are Noam’s building blocks of developing an engaged, literate, questioning, observant, vibrant and caring community, that is the driving force behind the Masorti Community and its future.

The Noam Glossary

Madrich – leader
Chanich – participant
Rosh – camp youth leader
Techni – a resource person
Veida – annual conference
Hadracha – leadership
Hagshama Atzmit – self actualisation
Feedback – an essential part of Hagshama (see above)
Dugma – a role model
Atid – pastoral Torah programme for madrichim
Gemilut Chasadim – acts of loving kindness
Chinuch – education
Assefot- democratic process
Peula – an activity or program that educates and engages
Tochnit – timetable
Tzevet – team
Mazkir– yearlong office-based Noam movement leader

Noam stages

Kaytana: half-term day camp for reception to year five.
Noam Summer Camp: aka Machane, the core of Noam
Shorashim: for years 5 and 6. It means roots.
Nevatim: for years 7 and 8. It means shoots.
Nofim: for years 9 and 10. It means branches.
Merkaz-Meltam: weekly youth leadership training for year 11
Merkaz-Masa: weekly youth leadership training for year 12
Drachim: Gap year program between school and further study
Kelim: Jewish learning at the Conservative Yeshiva for 18+
Marom: Grassroots Jewish programming for 18+ at university
Noam Alumni: For young adults on the edge of establishing/finding their own Jewish communities.

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