The Ten [Masorti] Commandments
Texts and beliefs
By Masorti Judaism
05th Jun 2019
To coincide with the festival of Shavuot, the Masorti rabbinic team have put together this fantastic booklet, outlining their unique take on the Ten Commandments.
Highlights include:
- Is there a difference between killing and murder?
- Can we honour parents who behave like fools?
- What modern idols do we risk worshiping today?
- How can you celebrate Shabbat if you don’t work?
To read the booklet in full, click here.
Or, to find your favourite – see below:
- I am Adonai… – Rabbi Roni Tabick
- You shall have no other gods… – Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
- You shall not take God’s name… – Rabbi Oliver Joseph
- Remember Shabbat… – Rabbi Chaim Weiner
- Honour your father and mother… Student Rabbi Zahavit Shalev
- You shall not murder – Rabbi Adam Zagoria-Moffet
- You shall not commit adultery – Rabbi Jeremy Gordon
- You shall not steal – Rabbi Daniella Kolodny
- You shall not bear false witness… – Rabbi Joel Levy
- You shall not covet…– Rabbi Joel Levy