Jonathan Wittenberg was born into a family with a long rabbinical tradition going back several generations in Germany and Eastern Europe. Having earned his degree in literature at the University of Cambridge, he studied for the rabbinate at Leo Baeck College in London, and in Jerusalem.
He has been the Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism since 2008 and the Rabbi of New North London Synagogue for over 25 years.
Rabbi Wittenberg loves Judaism, literature, history, plants, animals and people. Interfaith work and pastoral care interest him deeply. He writes and speaks about the Jewish faith, moral issues, his love of nature, the spiritual search, human responsibility, and the transience of life. His books include Walking with the Light: From Frankfurt to Finchley, The Hidden God, The Three Pillars of Judaism, The Eternal Journey: Meditations on the Jewish Year, The Silence of Dark Water: An Inner Journey and Listening for God in Torah & Creation.
Rabbi Wittenberg is married to Nicola Solomon and they have three children.
Rabbi Wittenberg was awarded an OBE in December 2023 for his services to interfaith relationships and the Jewish community.
Visit his Heart and Mind website and blog.