A Jewish Take on Life on Earth
Date: Series beginning Wednesday 1st December 2021
Location: Zoom - plus some in person activities
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg and special guests explore:

1 December: Earth
8 December: Insects
12 January: Trees
9 February: Birds
9 March: Mammals
Each session will include:
A touch of text: What do Torah and Talmud teach us?
A naturalist’s passion: What does a wildlife expert have to tell us?
Make it better: What we can do for the bees, the trees, the hedgehogs – and the children of the future.
“Great is learning because learning leads to action”: What we can do to help make COP26 real.
We’re in a Shemitah year – what has this to teach us?
There will also be accompanying walks.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.