Shabbat Times for London, UK

  • Fast begins:
  • Asara B’Tevet occurs on
  • Candle lighting:
  • This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Vayechi
  • Havdalah:

Ohel Mo’ed

Ohel Mo’ed

We are an independent Masorti minyan dedicated to Jewish prayer and learning. Currently, we run pre-Shabbat Zoom services an hour before Shabbat comes in and we have a weekly virtual Havdalah service. Previously, we ran regular Shabbat services (Friday night and Saturday morning) in people’s homes. We look to our community to make this happen — from hosting and leading services to running study sessions and the suggestion of new and exciting ways of furthering our Jewish growth. We organise our services on our Facebook page so be sure to head over there for more information. We hope to resume in-person services in the new year.

Does the community have regular Shabbat services? Sometimes

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Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue

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South Herts and Edgware Masorti (SHEMA)

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