Yom Masorti
Date: Sunday 14th May

Festival Tracks
With a range of different sessions across three tracks, there’s something for everyone. Curate your own Yom Masorti experience across: Torah Lishma, Masorti Judaism and Jewish Culture.
Masorti Judaism
Discussing the issues that matter to our community, this track provides an opportunity to explore the challenges and triumphs that are shaping our Jewish lives.
Jewish Culture
Whether you’re into literature, Judaica, storytelling, art or music, the Culture track focuses on creative minds from within the Jewish world and considers the impact of Judaism on wider culture.
Torah Lishma
Enjoy Torah ‘for its own sake’. Join Masorti rabbis and leaders in an exploration of Jewish texts and ideas. Together we’ll learn about our traditions and prayers and delve into the philosophy and ideas that have guided us for centuries.
Please note: the line-up is subject to change.
Opening – (1.30 – 2.30pm)
What Do We Mean By Masorti Every Day?
Rachel Sklan, Masorti Judaism Chief Executive
Join the Masorti community for a conversation about what it means to be Masorti every day. What are the points in our lives when we feel most connected to our Jewish identity? And what could it mean to feel explicitly like a Masorti Jew?
Session 1 – (2.30 – 3.30pm)
Why Masorti Is Just As Orthodox As Anyone Else (Masorti Judaism)
Rabbi Adam Zagoria-Moffet
Masorti Judaism suffers from ‘Goldilocks Syndrome’ – we only define ourselves by what we’re not. Rabbi Adam Zagoria-Moffet will help us explore how we can do better than this, and how our insecurity is misplaced, with our own tradition a truer continuation of the past than any other.
Storytelling As A Source Of Jewish Wisdom (Jewish Culture)
Kohenet Rachel Rose Reid
This session will explore the ways in which we have used storytelling to carry traditions, personal experience, and traces of the many lands through which we’ve wandered over the generations. From biblical text to fox fables, Kohenet and storyteller Rachel Rose Reid will show how the practice of oral tradition offers a storehouse of wisdom, history, and healing.
Mysteries Of The House Of Judgement (Torah Lishma)
Rabbi Chaim Weiner
Join Rabbi Chaim Weiner, the head of the European Masorti Beit Din for a text-based exploration of the Jewish rabbinical court. What is it and why does it matter? What can we uncover about Jewish justice by investigating its existence?
BREAK with optional Mincha – (3.30 – 3.50pm)
Session 2 – (3.50 – 4.50pm)
We Need To Talk About Israel (Masorti Judaism)
Senior Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, chaired by Dr Leonie Fleischmann
How do we engage on a daily basis with Israel in 2023? As Israeli politics becomes increasingly fraught, it’s hard to know whether to lean in or turn away. Masorti Judaism’s Co-Chair, Dr Leonie Fleischmann, a Senior Lecturer in International Politics, chairs this panel discussion on how, and why, British Jewry should be responding to Israel’s democratic crisis.
The Masorti Antiques Roadshow (Jewish Culture)
Gideon Cohen, of G Cohen Antique Silver, & Jonathan Fishburn, of Fishburn Books
Our experts will look at your most treasured objects and talk to you about their history and value. You’ll be surprised by the range: from Haggadot and Megillot to autographs, candlesticks to Hannukiyot, New Year Cards, Youth Movement ephemera, postcards, maps, and autographs, these objects tell fascinating stories about our families and community. Our experts are happy to look at photos (please email [email protected]) before you bring objects on the day, or do just bring things in.
Kavanah: Pray it like you mean it (Torah Lishma)
Chazan Rebeca Blumenfeld & Rhiannon Humphreys
The European Academy of Jewish Liturgy and Shema Koleinu, Masorti Judaism’s Tefila Skills team
Kavanah, or intention, is the secret ingredient to meaningful prayer. Join the European Academy of Jewish Liturgy and Shema Koleinu, Masorti Judaism’s Tefila (prayer) Skills team, to explore how and why we pray and tie your own tzitzit as a physical reminder of prayer.
BREAK (4.50 – 5pm)
Session 3 – (5 – 6pm)
Come as You Are: What does successful inclusion look like in Masorti communities? (Masorti Judaism)
Masorti Judaism’s LGBT+ Inclusion Manager Daniella Shaw and Rabbi Roderick Young
Come and hear how our community is cultivating diversity, inclusion and equity within Masorti spaces directly from our members of a variety of experiences.
Niggun Sing (Jewish Culture)
Isaac Montagu
Niggunim are wordless songs traditional to Ashkenazi communities, originating in Hassidism in the 18th century. We’ll sing niggunim old and new, and share them between each other. All welcome whether you think you’re a singer or not! Join us for an hour to leave words and worries behind and simply sing.
Rabbinic Death Match (Torah Lishma)
Noam Masorti Youth and the Masorti Rabbinic Team
Join Noam Masorti Youth and the Masorti rabbinic team for a no-holds-barred examination of some of the most pressing issues facing us today.
Closing – 6 – 7pm
Where To Next?
Join new and old friends to reflect, share and hear from other Masorti members what you’re most proud of in your communities, and where we can help and support each other.