Shabbat Times for London, UK

  • Candle lighting:
  • Shabbat HaChodesh occurs on
  • This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Pekudei
  • Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Nisan occurs on
  • Havdalah:
  • Rosh Chodesh Nisan occurs on

Jewish learning is one of the highest values of Masorti Judaism. We believe every Jewish person should have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Jewish thought, history and culture, and to develop the ability to read and explore Jewish texts for themselves.

Our Masorti prayers website Shema Koleinu is a great place to start your learning journey.

Our range of programmes for learners of all levels includes:

Contact your local community for more regular Jewish study opportunities at all levels, from Hebrew reading crash courses through to advanced text study. Click here to learn about events currently running across our communities.

High level study for learners who want to grapple with Talmudic texts in the original language. Led by Rabbi Chaim Weiner. Click here to join the Masorti Kollel course beginning in November 2021.

Weekly interactive learning on Sunday afternoons for 6th formers, hosted by Noam – Masorti Youth. Text study on relevant ethical and social issues. All students receive a small stipend for participating. For more information please visit Noam’s website. 

A month of intense study for university students, held at the Conservative (Masorti) Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Topics include Talmud, Hebrew, halacha (Jewish law), Bible, liturgy and Jewish thought. Combined with educational tours, communal Shabbat celebrations and volunteering opportunities.

“This was an incredible opportunity to explore the questions I had about own Jewish identity. It was the perfect environment to have open conversations with those more knowledgeable than myself and I would highly recommend this programme to anyone finding their own Jewish identity, or just wanting to learn more!”

Miki Friend, Kelim student

For more information please visit Noam’s website. 


A semester or year of immersive Jewish study in Jerusalem. Explore Jewish texts and religious life in an inclusive,  egalitarian environment with students of all ages from all over the world. To learn more about studying at the Conservative Yeshiva with Masorti Judaism please get in touch.


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