On Teshuvah / Repentance with New North London Synagogue
Date: Series begins 14th September
Location: New North London Synagogue

New North London Synagogue warmly invites members and guests to their series on Teshuvah / Repentance.
Teshuvah in the Torah and Tenach, from Adam and Eve to Nineveh
with Rabbis Chaim Weiner and Jonathan Wittenberg
followed by Saying Sorry in Public Life with Sarah Sackman
21st September:
Maimonides’ Laws of Repentance, with Rabbi Chaim Weiner,
followed by The Power of Regret, with Rabbi Zahavit Shalev
28th September:
Repentance in the Zohar and the thought of Rav Kook, with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg and Ariel Kahn,
followed by The Psychology of Repentance with John Schlapobersky, psychotherapist and author