Join the Elul series 5785

Prepare for 5785 with Shema Koleinu
Starting on Wednesday 11th September, join Shema Koleinu as we use Elul to ready ourselves for the new year using the well-known trio – teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah.
Whores and Weasels – Unconventional Images of Teshuvah and What It Means with Rabbi Adam Zagoria-Moffet (11th September)
This time of year brings a heightened awareness of repentance, of working out what ‘good’ teshuvah looks like or how we know if we’re getting it ‘right’. Join Rabbi Adam Zagoria-Moffet to interrogate teshuvah in a new light, looking at less well-known models of tesuhuvah and thinking about what it can mean for us, this year.
The Complexity of Tz’dakah with Rabbi Natasha Mann (18th September)
Every Yom Kippur, Isaiah dismisses our hard work through fasting and prayer. In the Haftarah, he portrays God as scoffing at our fasting, and points instead to the most important aspect of change: helping the needy. But why and how should righteous behaviour (or giving to charity) affect whether or not we’re written in the Book of Life? How do we handle these teachings in a world where bad things happen to good people? Join Rabbi Natasha to explore the complexity of tz’dakah: what it is, why it matters, and why Isaiah thinks our fasting is nothing without it.
Ki Hinei Kachomer and Human Vulnerability with Chazan Rebecca Blumenfeld (25th September)
One of the most recognisable Yom Kippur piyyutim, Ki Hinei Kachomer explores the relationship between us and God as being between Maker and made, Crafter and crafted. Join Chazan Rebecca as we consider what the implications of this text might be for us, and how the various musical settings that the piyyut has inspired can help us to connect with it, as we think about our own vulnerability that feels especially fragile at this time of year.
All sessions are from 8-9pm on Zoom, please register to receive the joining details here:
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]