Shabbat Times for London, UK

  • Candle lighting:
  • Shabbat HaChodesh occurs on
  • This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Pekudei
  • Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Nisan occurs on
  • Havdalah:
  • Rosh Chodesh Nisan occurs on

Mosaic Masorti Synagogue

Halsbury Close, Stanmore Hill
Tel: 020 8864 0133


Mosaic Masorti Synagogue

Our congregation, established in 1998, is caring and inclusive; each individual is valued whatever their level of Jewish knowledge or observance. Our services take place every Shabbat and on festivals, and visitors are most welcome. Our popular Friday night services are a special time for the community to get together to enjoy each other’s company and to share in prayer. These services take place monthly at members’ homes and are followed by a delicious communal supper.  We also organise a number of vibrant social activities for young people within Mosaic and with the Masorti youth group NOAM.

We are delighted to be a constituent synagogue within the Mosaic community. Mosaic provides cross communal activities including education for adults and children, social, cultural and sporting activities, youth programmes, outreach and charitable work, inter-communal dialogue with Jews in other synagogues and organisations and inter-faith dialogue.  Mosaic enriches our communal experience and makes our synagogues more sustainable in the years ahead.

We’d be delighted to welcome guests to our events. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for more information.

Details of community Rabbi(s):

Does the community have regular Shabbat services? Yes

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Liverpool Masorti Community

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New Essex Masorti Synagogue

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